“You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.” – A. Einstein
This is a Discovery. Answers are easy; questions are difficult.
discover why people
do what they do

Our methodology has been used by 50 of the world’s Fortune 100 companies, many of which are recurring clients.
Dr. Rapaille and his team have a proven record of success, as witnessed by the discovery of over 25 codes for P&G, Boeing among others.
Our Methodology

We conduct Imprinting session that lasts three-hours, and are designed to help participants remember their first imprints of the subject being studied.
Between 12-25 respondents are recruited for each imprinting session.
The profile of the participants is chosen based on the culture being studied (eg. Born and raised in mainland America for the first 15 years of their life, mother spoke American English at home etc.)
We all share the WOW moment when we discover the CODE. This means OWNERSHIP – we all discovered the code together, and ALIGNMENT – everything becomes clear and implementing and executing are obvious. If a Jeep Wrangler is a horse, it should have round headlights.
Our imprinting sessions are broken down into 3 hours according to the three Brain model explained bellow.
- During the first hour, participants discuss their ideas and feelings about the topic. This is a washout session, a purge, where we let participants speak their minds. However, we don't believe what people say. We don't learn anything new during the first hour.
- During the second hour, free association and storytelling are used to learn about the unconscious Logic of Emotion, the tensions, and the latent structures of the topic. This hour gives us new insights. For example, in the US, the latent structure of Freedom is Prohibition.
- During the last hour, relaxation techniques help participants remember their first imprints. This phase is individual and anonymous.

The structure
According to Paul MacLean’s theory, three distinct brains have successively developed during evolution, which now reside together in the human skull. The implications of this theory for marketing, brand loyalty, product development, product design, and communication are imperative to understanding and anticipating stakeholder and consumer needs.

The Cortex represents our relationship to logic, how we view the world and how we operate in it. Science, logic, control, numbers, statistics, money, and the intellectual alibi are examples of the cortex brain priorities.
Logic of
The Limbic record memories of behaviors that produced agreeable and disagreeable experiences, it is at the root of emotions in human beings. The emotional center, representing feelings, tensions and contradictions. This brain controls our logic of emotion.
hot button
The reptilian brain controls vital functions such as heart rate, breathing, body temperature, and balance. We are born with our reptilian brains. This brain represents the center for our most hardwired instincts, reflexes, sexual impulses, fight or flight, etc. The Reptilian Always Wins!
Why It Works

When an individual has a ‘first’ experience, emotion is the energy that imprints the mental structure and the unconscious reference system. These unconscious structures hold the key to all of our decision-making processes.
The 3-hour sessions guide participants through a well-established process that takes them through different parts of the brain from the Cortex, to the Limbic to the Reptilian.
This information gathered during the sessions is subsequently analyzed, placing an emphasis on structure over content. The structure transcends the individual experiences and uncovers the Code.

The three parts of the brain have established numerous connections through which they influence one another.
To appeal to the consumer in every possible way, all communication, in theory, should have a reptilian, limbic, and Cortex aspect.
At the subconscious level, however, individuals are guided by their most basic instincts. To tap this brain, we must discover the reptilian “hot button,” the trigger that activates an individual’s most fundamental relationship with the object or concept we are trying to communicate.
Give me a good alibi to do what I want anyway, which means what my Reptilian Brain wants to do!
Pyramid of the Unconscious
Conscious Mind - Opinion
What people say, what can be recalled
Personal Unconscious
Individual wants based on individual psychology
Cultural Unconscious - Culture Code
Cultural forces and archetypes based on our peers
Collective Unconscious - Universal Codes
Biological needs based on biology

Personal Script
Culture Code
Universal Codes
Fundamental Structure
The Divisions Between The Conscious
And Unconscious Mind.
At the root of it all lies our DNA, the genetic program for our development and survival. The broad base of the pyramid is occupied by what is based on the premise that biology pre-organizes human life according to Universal Archetypes. We labeled this Fundamental Structure, which relates to our basic needs, survival, reproduction, nourishment, etc. Universal archetypes only change with evolution and can last millions of years.
The Cultural Unconscious occupies the next level of the pyramid. This is based on the premise that cultural forces structure human behavior according to Cultural Archetypes. Cultural Archetypes should be considered a survival kit inherited at birth specific to a time period and a geographical area. Cultural Archetypes are passed down from one generation to another.
The next level of the pyramid represents what Freud first defined as the Personal Unconscious. This is based on the premise that each individual has a unique script to deal with their unconscious wants.
Accessible through psychoanalysis, the individual unconscious lasts the length of a person’s life. The superior portion of the pyramid represents the Conscious Mind, based on what individuals can recall. What people can identify influences what they say and shapes their opinions. Opinions can be influenced and changed in the blink of an eye or whenever new information is presented.

Beth Comstock, CMO, General Electric
"The Corporate brand study conducted by Dr. Rapaille is probably the best piece of research this company has seen in a long time."

Grace Han, Division Expertise, LG Electronics
"It was such a thought provoking rich and rewarding experience that I will not forget for the rest of my life."

Mr. Soucare, President Pfizer, France
"The depth of insight and the detail and the precision are far greater than those from traditional studies."

Ellen J.Kullman, CEO, DuPont Company
"Dr. Rapaille's powerful insights have proven invaluable in understanding emerging markets and unmet needs of our customers."

Dave Bostwick, Dir. Market. Research, Daimler Chrysler
"Not a day goes by when I don't hear, see or otherwise experience the archetype discoveries that we have made."

Jack V.O Kennard, Vice President, Brown-Forman Beverages
"Working with Dr. Rapaille led us to powerful new discoveries about the essence of Jack Daniel's which have advanced the strategic language we use and fueled organizational confidence in our vision for growth."

Kevin Keller, VP Internet Marketing, GMAC Insurance
"His approach is unlike any other research methodology; it delivers answers to questions that cannot be addressed through traditional focus groups."

Charlotte R. Otto, Global External Relations Officer, Procter & Gamble
"Dr. Rapaille’s approach unlocks deep consumer insights. It’s a game changer in the market.”

Beth Comstock, CMO, General Electric
"The Corporate brand study conducted by Dr. Rapaille is probably the best piece of research this company has seen in a long time."

Grace Han, Division Expertise, LG Electronics
"It was such a thought provoking rich and rewarding experience that I will not forget for the rest of my life."

Mr. Soucare, President Pfizer, France
"The depth of insight and the detail and the precision are far greater than those from traditional studies."

Ellen J.Kullman, CEO, DuPont Company
"Dr. Rapaille's powerful insights have proven invaluable in understanding emerging markets and unmet needs of our customers."

Dave Bostwick, Dir. Market. Research, Daimler Chrysler
"Not a day goes by when I don't hear, see or otherwise experience the archetype discoveries that we have made."

Jack V.O Kennard, Vice President, Brown-Forman Beverages
"Working with Dr. Rapaille led us to powerful new discoveries about the essence of Jack Daniel's which have advanced the strategic language we use and fueled organizational confidence in our vision for growth."

Kevin Keller, VP Internet Marketing, GMAC Insurance
"His approach is unlike any other research methodology; it delivers answers to questions that cannot be addressed through traditional focus groups."

Charlotte R. Otto, Global External Relations Officer, Procter & Gamble
"Dr. Rapaille’s approach unlocks deep consumer insights. It’s a game changer in the market.”
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